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Our Straw-Clay House

We are thinking about it 7 years now.We are organizing it the last 3 and finally got the time to start building our home. We decided to...

Στιγμές "Martha's Garden"

Εγκλωβίστηκα μαζί σου σ’ένα όνειρο να κοιτούμε μαζί του ήλιου τις κινήσεις .Και στ όνειρο αυτό, δυο κλαράκια στην πορεία του, οδηγούν...

Ready for the Heat of the Summer

We've been preparing for this for some years now and to tell you the truth we weren't sure that the day we would start building our own...

The story of Martha’s Garden Project

When we realized that in in our time quality food is rare and usually inaccessible, we decided to create a space in which we can produce...

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